The IKHR Sanctioned Show Program has been developed to encourage the exhibition, marketing and promotion of IKHR registered Kunekune Hogs. Any show receiving IKHR sanctioning must be open to all IKHR registered Kunekune Hogs that meet the requirements of the IKHR show rules. Points will be earned at IKHR Sanctioned shows by animals, exhibitors and breeders and will not be awarded until after the official show results are received by the IKHR.
Eligibility of Animals
All hogs over one year of age must be registered in the IKHR herd book.
All hogs under one year of age are required to be Litter Notified with herd book number assigned.
All hogs must be double wattled to be entered and shown in Breeding, Specialty (except Pen of Pork) and Showmanship classes.
Hogs with less than 2 wattles may be shown in Market and Pen of Pork classes but must be registered as IKHR Kunekune Pedigree Pork regardless of age.
A copy of the animals’ original registration certificate is required for entry to the show and must be present during the show.
All hogs must be appropriately identified with forms of identification accepted by the IKHR (e.g. eartag).
The IKHR will accept and permanently record all wins in Shows that have been determined to have met all requirements (as stated below) for IKHR sanctioning.
Failure to comply with IKHR Show Rules may result in the loss of sanctioning.
An IKHR Sanctioned Show Application be submitted to the IKHR no less than 120 days prior to the show.
No show shall be sanctioned during the week of the IKHR National Show with the exception of a one day qualifying show to be held in conjunction with and prior to the National Show.
The main focus of IKHR Sanctioned Shows is genetic improvement, promotion and preservation of the Kunekune Hog breed.
The IKHR reserves the right to set up a booth at all sanctioned shows free of charge to the IKHR. This booth shall be used to sell IKHR merchandise, accept prefix applications, and distribute literature and publications regarding Kunekune Hogs, the IKHR, the International Kunekune Pig Preservation Project and Kunekune Pedigree Pork.
Judges shall be selected from the official IKHR Sanctioned Judges list or may be approved through application on a one-time basis as an Approved Judge. In the case where an IKHR Sanctioned Judge is commissioned, an IKHR novice apprentice judge has permission to accompany the judge for training and mentorship.
IKHR sanctioned shows must be held on public property, adequately insured and where members of the public may attend.
The National Show Ring Code of Ethics shall apply at all IKHR sanctioned shows.
Exhibitors must be the IKHR Registered Owners and IKHR Registered Breeders in good standing.
Any show receiving IKPR sanctioning shall be open only to IKHR registered Kunekune Hogs. Show Representatives may use their discretion and have the right to ban an individual if they consider it necessary for the good of the show.
There shall be no limit on the number of animals that can be entered in a class by an exhibitor.
In the case where it is considered dangerous or too crowded to properly judge the number of hogs in any given class, the class may be split and judged in groups with winners driving for the final placing.
Any show limiting the number of entries in any way must state this in their rules.
IKHR sanctioned shows may not require animals to sell in a sale as a condition of participating in the show. However, they may require participation in the show in order to offer hogs for sale at the venue.
When IKHR registration certificates are presented at check-in, registered name, IKHR registration number and ear tag, tattoo or microchip number or ear notching of each animal must be recorded as well as current owner and breeder as this information must be displayed on the results turned into the IKHR.​
All animals must be IKHR registered purebred Kunekune Hogs.
Boar Classes:
Junior Boar - under 6 months of age
Senior Boar - 6 months to under 1 year of age
Junior Yearling Boar - 1 year to under 18 months of age
Senior Yearling Boar - 18 months to under 2 years of age
Aged Boar - 2 years of age or older
Sow Classes:
Junior Sow - under 6 months of age
Senior Sow - 6 months to under 1 year of age
Junior Yearling Sow - 1 year to under 18 months of age
Senior Yearling Sow - 18 months to under 2 years of age
Aged Sow - 2 years of age or older
A Champion will be chosen from each class.
The Grand Champion boar or sow will be chosen from the respective class Champions.
The Reserve Grand Champion boar or sow will be chosen from the remaining boar or sow class Champions plus the second place animal from the class in which the Grand Champion competed.
The Supreme Grand Champion will be chosen from the Grand Champion Boar and Grand Champion Sow.
Market Classes:
Under 100lbs
100 to <150lbs
150 to <200 lbs
200 lbs and over
Market hogs must be less than 18 months old. Intact boars are not allowed.
***ALL Market Hog entries must be registered as Kunekune Pedigree Pork - regardless of age***
Specialty Classes:
***The 2024 Royal Christmas Show will host Get of Sire, and Produce of Dam specialty classes ONLY.***
Get of Sire - group of hogs consisting of a boar and two of his offspring, male and/or female.
Produce of Dam - Group of hogs consisting of a sow and two (or more to be determined by show coordinators) of her offspring, male and/or female.
Sow with Piglets – sow is judged with her litter in the ring considering maternal characteristics, consistency in litter, and number of piglets accommodated, etc.
Pen of Pork - A group of three hogs are shown together in a pen and judged as a group for uniformity as a group, consistency of quality and size, owned by a single IKHR Registered Breeder. This group may consist of multiple prefixes or be the product of one IKHR Registered breeding program.
Classic Head - ONLY the head is judged based on the Breed Standard for grazing characteristics. Any sex or age is allowed.
Color Class - Specialty class for animals who have been officially registered with a specific designation for color (High Percentage White, Tapeka Trait, Swallow Belly, ILF Blended Belly Band). Judging is for conformation only WITHOUT consideration of color. High Percentage White is predominantly white in color, without being all white or cream colored. Tapeka Trait has evidence of a belt. Swallow Belly is a ginger pig with a light/white underbelly. ILF B3 is a specific designation for a ginger/white banded pig.
Showmanship Classes:
Youth Showmanship - In this class only the handler -aged 13 and younger- is considered by the judge. Handlers will be judged on their ability to drive their hog exhibiting its best qualities to their judge, their understanding of show etiquette/manners, their knowledge of swine and the hog in their charge, among other things at the judge's discretion.
Showmanship - In this class only the handler is considered by the judge. Handlers will be judged on their ability to drive their hog exhibiting its best qualities to their judge, their understanding of show etiquette/manners, their knowledge of swine and the hog in their charge, among other things at the judge's discretion.
**Calculating Ages in Relation to Classes - Birth dates, as listed on the registration certificate, will be used in determining class divisions. In order to calculate the class breaks, take the show date and count back to the birth date to determine the age class.
Show Responsibilities
The show must provide ring stewards to assist in the ring and assist with moving animals to and from the ring.
The show must provide a secretary to record entries for each class including official name of animal, producers name, current owner’s name and name of handler.
The show must assign numbers to be worn throughout the show’s entirety by handlers showing pigs. The number should be affixed to the left chest of the handler’s shirt in plain view.
It is the responsibility of the Show host to have a copy of the IKHR Official Show Rules available at all times in case any questions arise during the course of the show.
The show report must be completed and forwarded to the IKHR within 30 days of the show. The report must include the following:
Number of Animals exhibited in the Class
Each Animal’s Name
Each Animal’s IKHR Registration Number
Identifying Ear tag, Tattoo, Microchip or Ear Notch
Exhibitor/Owner of the Animal at the time of the show
Breeder of the Animal
Name and Assigned Number of Handler Showing the Animal
Any animal that is not checked in with an IKHR registration certificate will not receive recognition in any IKHR publication or website. Such animals are not eligible to earn points.
A copy of scheduled classes and applying entry rules must be sent to the IKHR.
Changes and/or corrections to the official show results, once they have been turned in to the IKHR, will require the signature of the Show Host and one other show official.
Exhibitor Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to refrain from presenting any animal owned by the presiding judge within 90 days prior to the show date.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure proper health documentation (CVI) is in place for swine movement across state lines.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure all animals attending a show are treated and free of external and internal parasites prior to traveling to the show.
Show Ring Etiquette
Attire is "American Style". All handlers entering the ring must wear closed-toed shoes. All handlers must have an exhibitor number affixed as instructed by the show coordinator, clearly visible to the judge. Hats are allowed but not required.
Exhibitors must be aware of their class entries and take note when their class is called to the show ring.
Upon entrance into the show ring, handlers should immediately begin driving their hog.
All hogs are shown "American Style" being driven with the use of a single whip, cane, stick, or bat. Brushes are allowed to be in hand or in back pocket while driving a hog.
All Aged boars must be shown with 2 competent handlers (no youth 13 of age or under). Exhibitor shall be equipped with a show board as described above and second handler shall use a protective board of any size to ensure protection of handlers, hogs, and the judge(s).
It is the responsibility of the handler/s to ensure the safety of themselves, the animal in their charge as well as other handlers and animals at all times. Failure to do so will be cause to excuse the handler from the class at the discretion of the judge or show personnel.
Extra ring stewards should be present during senior boar classes and sow classes to assist if need be. Ring stewards are allowed to use boar boards to assist in keeping control of animals in the show ring.
Code of Conduct
All exhibitors, their family members and show management must read, be aware of and adhere to the National Show Ring Code of Ethics.
In addition, all exhibitors, their family members and others acting on the behalf of the exhibitor must display good sportsmanship and act in a courteous manner at all IKHR sanctioned shows. Unsportsmanlike conduct will be referred to the IKHR for appropriate action, if deemed necessary. Unsportsmanlike conduct may include but is not limited to physical actions, threats, outbursts, or use of profanity. IKHR action is not limited to, but may result in the exhibitor found in violation to lose points from that particular show, lose multiple show points, and/or be barred from current or future participation in IKHR sanctioned shows. The decision of the IKHR regarding the unsportsmanlike conduct shall be final.
Any hog exhibited at an IKHR Sanctioned Show or event shall be subject to disqualification for any of the following:
Any pronounced defect/abnormality​
Any boar exhibiting tusks protruding past the lip. ALL tusks must be trimmed prior to entering show grounds. Boars not properly trimmed will be turned away at the show gate and not allowed entry to show property.
Identification that is illegible or inconsistent with the registration certificate.
Failure to adhere to Acceptable Practices and Substances
Should any animal that has been awarded a prize be disqualified before its class has been dismissed from the show ring, the lower placing animals shall move up to fill the vacancy. Should any animal be disqualified after the class has been dismissed from the show ring, the lower placing animals will not move into any higher position.
Acceptable Practices and Substances
No person shall conspire with another person/s to intentionally violate, or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person/s either by affirmative action or inaction to violate any part of these Rules & Regulations.
Permitted Practices and Substances:
Antiparasitic medications administered as needed, and as directed on the label, for animal health and well-being.
Drugs and other substances labeled for use in swine to treat health issues in an exhibited pig.
Any extra-label usage requires a prescription, or statement for use from the attending veterinarian.
Grooming products that are not restricted from use in meat producing animals including: brushes, combs, clippers, hoof trimmers, shampoos, conditioners, oils, mousse, alcohol/liniment, sprays and powders
Prohibited Practices and Substances
Injection or external or internal administration via any orifice of any substance (including drugs, chemicals, and any other forms of products) prohibited from use in meat producing animals by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and/or any Federal, State or Local Law.
Extra-label use of any drug or substance approved for use on meat producing animals, but not approved for use in swine (even though commonly used in swine), unless accompanied by a licensed veterinarian’s prescription or statement of use while on the show premises.
Injection or external or internal administration via any orifice of any allowed substance in any way that is inconsistent with the dosage and the route prescribed by the manufacturer or prescribing veterinarian.
Administration of any quantity of any diuretic, growth stimulant, or performance enhancing drug. *Sedatives cannot be used to alter animal temperament.
Presenting any animal whose natural conformation and structure have been surgically altered in any way, with the exception of:
Removal of tusks
Removal of testicles in the case of barrows
Using any inhumane or unethical treatments, including striking animals, using electrical contrivance, or other similar methods.
The following grooming practices are prohibited:
Using any substance to enhance or change the color of the livestock, including the livestock’s hide or hooves;
Adding any substance externally to build up, change or alter the shape or conformation of the livestock, including by way of example, but not limited to rope, false hair, graphite, hemp, and powders;
Pigmented grooming aides or materials.
In addition, colored or pigmented substances, i.e. paint, are prohibited from use on all swine at all IKHR sanctioned shows. Painting of the hooves is prohibited. Use of clear substances is permitted. The host of the sanctioned show shall enforce Prohibited Grooming Practices. Any exhibitor and the exhibitor’s animal at an IKHR sanctioned show that does not follow the rule will be disqualified and all awards will be forfeited. IKHR registered breeders who do not follow Prohibited Grooming Practices will be disqualified as described above from that show only, and their points for that particular show will be removed.
Show Support System (All show support is at the discretion of IKHR)
IKHR staff will be available during the planning process to answer and assist with questions and planning details that may arise during this time.
IKHR will provide promotion of the sanctioned show through the IKHR web page and IKHR facebook page.
IKHR will provide Kunekune Hog, IKHR, International Kunekune Pig Preservation and Kunekune Pedigree Pork promotional materials to be displayed and handed out at the sanctioned show.