This form is for the purpose of registration of pigs previously registered outside of the IKHR. Specific criteria must be met. Kunekunes submitted for Qualified Registration must have a DNA confirmed parentage report from an IKHR approved lab and a pedigree traceable to parentage within the Foundation Herd Book. Only animals possessing double wattles will be considered for qualified registration. Please ensure that all ancestors not yet listed in the IKHR herd book have 2 wattles and are eligible for entry. Any non wattled ancestor along the genetic chain that is not already listed in the IKHR herd book will be denied entry creating a break in ancestry and inhibiting the entry of prodigy from that point onward. In addition to completing the following form, a copy of a verifiable registration document must be uploaded below or submitted by e-mail to: Tammy Keller (President) internationalkunekuneregistry@gmail.com
Qualified registration will no longer be accepted if you are the breeder of the animal that the Qualified Registration is being requested for. Please submit a litter notification and follow the normal process for registration of an animal produced within your breeding program.