The goal of this protocol is to insure that each judge strives to provide a fair, unbiased, and objective inspection of each animal as it is presented for his/her evaluation and, in so doing, provide a positive experience for all individuals involved including exhibitors, spectators, and show personnel.
As a representative of the International Kunekune Hog Registry an IKHR Sanctioned Judge or Approved Judge, through his or her appearance, evaluations, and presentations, is to conduct him or herself in a professional manner with show officials, exhibitors, and spectators at all times.
1. A judge is at all times to evaluate swine in accordance with the IKHR Sanction Show Rules and the International Kunekune Hog Registry Breed Standard, disregarding any personal preferences. Animals should be evaluated according to the degree with which they meet the desired traits outlined within the IKHR Breed Standard.
2. Judges are required to check the following on Kunekune Hogs presented to be judged in order to insure these areas are correct according to the IKHR Kunekune Hog Breed Standard.
Teat Structure on males and females
Mouth Structure on males and females
Testicles on males
Recognizing the complication of time involved in judging very large classes, a judge is allowed discretion to check only those animals retained in the show ring from which the final selections will be made. In all classes, where practical, it is recommended that a judge check all animals presented.
3. Judges are required to set final placement line in numerical order, beginning with the lowest placing animal and continuing in ascending order to the first place animal, prior to giving reasons so that exhibitors and spectators can clearly see and understand the placements.
4. No judge shall consider an animal that:
(a) is owned partially or entirely by the judge
(b) is owned partially or entirely by any member of the judge’s immediate family, which includes children, grandchildren parents, grandparents, siblings or spouse
(c) in which the judge has any pecuniary interest
(d) over which the judge has any supervision
(e) it is strongly recommended that a judge refrain from knowingly judging any animal sold by the judge within 90 days prior to the show date
5. Recognizing the need for discernment, it is strongly recommended that a judge not place animals that exhibit a serious degree of any fault according to the IKHR Kunekune Hog Breed Standard or a disqualification trait as defined by the IKHR Kunekune Hog Breed Standard. Display of any such trait should negatively impact an animal’s placing.
6. Recognizing the need for discernment, it is recommended that single entry animals in a class not be automatically awarded a first place if the animal exhibits any serious degree of a fault according to the IKHR Kunekune Hog Breed Standard, a disqualification trait as defined by the IKHR Kunekune Hog Breed Standard, or is otherwise deemed a quality that does not warrant placing the animal at the front of the class.
7. An IKHR judge should use terminology in accordance with the structure of Kunekune Hogs when giving reasons so that spectators may more easily understand the judge’s references and evaluations. A judge’s reasons for placing classes are an educational tool and should be used as such by the judge.
8. A judge should be courteous at all times and kind, when called for, in his/her evaluations, refraining from negative comments that would unnecessarily embarrass any exhibitor. All necessary criticism of the animal to be evaluated should be constructive in nature and should serve an educational purpose for the exhibitor of the animal, other exhibitors, and spectators.
9. A judge should always show personal discretion in his comments and refrain from behavior unbecoming a working judge while in attendance at any show whether in the show ring or otherwise. He/She shall refrain from derogatory comments, coarse language, and any behavior not in accordance with proper show rules/etiquette.
10. A judge should at all times dress neatly and appropriately for the show ring.
11. Recognizing the complications of arriving at a show arena within a prescribed time frame can create delays for a judge, it is therefore strongly recommended that upon arrival, a judge, with discretion, refrain from visiting the pen area or visiting with exhibitors where possible prior to judging the show.
12. Personal solicitation of judging assignments is discouraged.