Updating of the Standard of Perfection for the Kunekune Hog breed is intended to provide a clear description of Kunekune characteristics for pasture, pork, and progeny.
When Kunekune Hogs are judged in the show ring, these characteristics and how well each hog displays them shall be the basis for awarded points and placement. Consideration of the head is of paramount importance when evaluating the breed. Head type identifies the breed as a grazer not prone to root and is considered unique to the breed.
As a matter of progress and improvement, all hogs to be officially registered with IKHR must possess two wattles at the time of birth. Photographic proof will be required. Any non-wattled hog that has already been officially registered prior to January 1, 2021 will continue to be recognized as such. Any hog born after July 1, 2020 must be proved to have two wattles at the time of birth as a requirement for registration. No non-wattled hogs will be accepted into the foundation herd book with official registration after January 1, 2021 regardless of their date of birth. Non-wattled hogs will still be included with the breeder’s Litter Notifications as a matter of record and research.
In summary, animals born after July 1, 2020 must have two obvious wattles with photographic proof for official registration.
Qualified Registrations will be denied for any non-wattled animal and their offspring. When applying for qualified registration of wattled offspring please ensure that all ancestors not yet listed in the IKHR herd book have 2 wattles and are eligible for entry. Any non wattled ancestor along the genetic chain that is not already listed in the IKHR herd book will be denied entry creating a break in ancestry and inhibiting the entry of prodigy from that point onward.
General Appearance:
Form: Relatively long, level, and deep. Boars generally weighing up to 400 pounds and sows generally up to 350 pounds, the result of a thick cover of firm flesh and fat.
Quality: Uniform covering of hair, clean skin, medium/heavy bone, even covering of flesh and fat.
Condition: Overall appearance shall be one of balance. Deep uniform covering of flesh and fat especially in regions of valuable cuts.
Head: Proportionate to body, evenly set on shoulders. Broad. Wide forehead. Short, broad, upturned snout with large, symmetrical nostrils to facilitate respiratory ease and teeth suitable for grazing. Teeth shall be set back inside the mouth and must not protrude when mouth is closed. Medium to heavy jowl, not wasty. Sweeping jawline.
Objections: Head not proportionate to body size, set unevenly. Narrow forehead - animals with wider foreheads are generally symmetrical and wider in the chest and back. Longer, shallower heads generally correlate with a similar body type resulting in less meat mass. Long, straight snout, uneven nostrils, teeth whose angle is unsuitable for grazing, protruding teeth or teeth set forward, droopy bottom lip. Wasty jowl (excessively fat), or thin, trim.
Eyes: Set well apart and symmetrical, bright, intelligent and kind.
Objections: Eyes set narrow or at unequal levels. Dull.
Ears: Set wide apart on the top corners of the head. Symmetrical in form and attachment. Pricked to semi-lopped, inclined forward. Under control of the hog. Settling firmly out over the eyes when grazing - ears should have the appearance of a visor over the eye, coming firmly from the head and out.
Objections: Ears set narrow or not of the same size, set or shape. Ears that roll up or are laterally folded along their length shall be avoided. Ears set on the side of the head, point outward to the side, not inclined forward, lopped. Ears may curb vision but should not obscure forward view. Emphasis to avoid ears that are laterally folded along their length as though “folded in half”. Purpose of ears include hearing, but also protection of the eyes from sun.
Wattles: Two, well-formed and well-attached in the same location on the corner of the jowl on each side hanging freely. Firm and of kidney or thumb shape. Symmetrical in size and shape. Two wattles present is required for entry to the show ring in any AKPR Sanctioned show (implemented August 1, 2019).
Objections: Less than two wattles, poorly attached, uneven size or shape, unevenly set on jowl. Wattles set high causing wattles to flare out.
Neck: Short to medium, proportionately and evenly set on shoulders. Deep and thick.
Objections: Long, uneven, thin, shallow.
Shoulders: Level and in proportion to hams, broad, deep, full. Sloping and aligned with legs and sides. Well developed. Muscle extending well down legs. Should not protrude above the line of the back.
Objections: Shoulders not uniform with hams, thin, shallow, weak, protruding above level of back.
Chest: Moderately wide between the legs. Deep girth.
Objections: Narrow, shallow, thin. Front legs set too narrow or too wide for chest width.
Back & Loin: Strong, level or slightly arched when grazing. Medium to long length and level to root of tail. Width even from shoulder to ham/rump when viewing from above. Even and smooth, firm not pliable. Rounded at croup, base of tail not flat.
Objections: Narrow, swayed or highly arched back, weak or mushy. Heritage hogs’ width typically averages the same from shoulder to ham/rump. Pliable feel to back could mean that the hog retains too much fat. Length should not be excessive as this can affect breeding and the productive life of hog due to weakness. Flat croup (area in front of the tail).
Sides & Ribs: Deep. Well-sprung ribs in proportion with shoulders and hams. Symmetrical from front to back.
Objections: Narrow, thin, shallow, pinched. *Long, deep bodied animals indicate a good capacity for organs and carry a larger quantity of high quality loin cuts.
Belly & Flank: Thick, flat, even underline. Flank smooth and full, in line with the sides, well let down.
Objections: Flabby, loose, droopy underline. Underline pulled up or thin. Flank out of line with sides.
Teats: At least 10 sound, evenly spaced, well-paired teats starting well forward.
Objections: Blind or inverted teats in gilts, sows, or boars. *Animals with 12 or more teats are desirable.
Hams & Rump: Hams broad and deep with good width coming well down to the hock. Rump slightly rounded from loin to base of tail.
Objections: Narrow, thin, long hams not extending well down to hock. Rump narrow, too flat, or dropping off too sharply. Flat croup.
Tail: Curled or crooked expressing movement. Set high. Attached as the hip falls from the back. With no depression at root. Moderately long but not coarse, well tasseled.
Objections: Straight, short, lack of tassel. *Tail set too low indicates steep rump which can lead to various joint, breeding and birthing issues due to stress on joints, restricted motion, and mal-alignment.
Legs: Short to medium, straight, strong boned, well tapered and well set apart. Pasterns springy, providing adequate cushion, consistent with heritage breeds.
Objections: Extremely long, short or thin legs. Knock knees, bucked knees, or pigeon toed. Post legged or stiffness - lack of proper shock absorption during locomotion. Legs set too narrow. Legs should be solid, thick and strong, placed squarely on all four corners of the body to provide adequate balance and proper support for the weight of the hog*. Rear legs should not appear to be standing on tiptoes nor be rocked back onto pasterns. Dew claws off of the ground when on firm footing. Weak foreleg pasterns are tolerable in heritage hogs but weak knees must be avoided due to premature breakdown of animals with the anatomical deformity. *Back legs set under the animal is common and true to heritage breeds, therefore, should not be considered a fault.
Feet: Strong with even, short to medium cleys consistent with heritage breeds.
Objections: Overly splayed. Excessively flat footed. Cleys of unequal size, twisted, or overly long. *Commercial breeds have been bred to stand upright on small, closed toes to improve the appearance of the hams without consideration of comfort for ease of movement on pasture. Heritage breeds often display soft, flexible pasterns with open toes appropriate for their age and weight. Open toes and flexible pasterns are true to heritage breeds and should not be viewed as a fault.
Skin & Hair: Clean coat of fine quality, any color, texture, or pattern.
Objections: Hair not covering the body evenly. Swirls, cowlicks, hair growing in different directions on the body. Dullness. Lumps, bumps, or roughness of skin.
Testicles: Easily seen with each of the same size and carriage.
Objections: Uneven size or carriage, not easily seen. Flabby low scrotum.
Temperament: Placid in nature, active and alert, confident, docile, inquisitive. Easily handled and driven.
Objections: Wild, aggressive, difficult to control or drive. Dull.
Action: Free, firm, fluid and forward in motion. Alert.
Objections: Limping, lameness, stiffness, weak, wobbling. Dull.
Sexual Characteristics:
MALE ~ boars should be strong in traits peculiar to the sex. Head may be slightly coarse, the neck full and arched somewhat, with the shoulder heavy. The forequarters are usually slightly heavier than the hind quarters and this distinction grows more evident with age as shields develop. Strength of frame without coarseness is desirable. Body should be deep, long, and low. Strong, short/medium legs with straight pasterns. At least 10 sound, evenly spaced, well-paired teats starting well forward.
FEMALE ~ after breed type, sex type is of first and foremost importance in sows. She shall have no signs of coarseness instead being feminine in overall appearance, neat, and sharp. The width before and behind should be almost uniform. Length of body abundant for growing litters and easy farrowing. She shall possess at least 10 sound, evenly spaced, well-paired teats starting well forward, none blind.