The IKHR is run by volunteers whose work is one that maintains the integrity of the Foundation Herd Book for Kunekune Hogs. Initially comprised of the United States of America and Canada (AKPR) we are pleased to now be serving the world on an international level. Our Foundation Herd Book was established through the archives and herd books of the New Zealand Pig Association, the New Zealand Kunekune (Breeders) Association, and the British Kunekune Pig Society. While serving North America, the AKPR made commonplace the requirement of DNA testing for Proof of Parentage. This core process is proven and is the basis for the registration process of the IKHR. All monies received as a result of annual fees are used to promote the Kunekune Hog breed to the benefit of Kunekune producers across the globe. Education, promotion, and a secure future for the Kunekune Hog breed through use as a viable meat animal are the goals of the premier international registry.
Formally known as the American Kunekune Breeder's Association and the American Kunekune Pig Registry. The American Kunekune Breeders Association was the first registry for heritage breed swine to require DNA testing for proof of parentage found anywhere in the world. Now known as the International Kunekune Hog Registry, the stewardship of the Kunekune hog breed and the integrity of the Registry remain our highest priorities.
The main aim of the International Kunekune Hog Registry is to ensure the conservation and preservation of the Kunekune Hog by:
Establishment of the Foundation Herd Book Internationally
Maintaining a registry of purebred Kunekune Hogs.
Authoring the Official Breed Standard
Encouraging the breeding and improvement of the Kunekune Hog for pasture, pork, and progeny.
Providing expert advice on the breeding, keeping, and marketing of Kunekune Hogs.
Promoting Kunekune Hogs through exhibition, publication and research.
The IKHR is a privately owned recordkeeping business intended to keep and maintain the FOUNDATION Herd Book which was established for all breeders of purebred Kunekune Hogs. The IKHR invites breeders to register a “Breeder Prefix” by paying an annual fee for inclusion in the listing of Registered Breeders found on the official IKHR website. The IKHR has established the Kunekune Hog breed in the United States and Canada having been the first pig registry to require DNA testing for Proof of Parentage and authoring the Official Breed Standard, recently making wattles a requirement for registration. The IKHR’s goal of preservation through pork production is the impetus for change and improvement in increased size, rate of growth, and carcass quality in this heritage, wattled breed whose origins are found in New Zealand’s Maori tribal lands. The IKHR serves as historian and educator on the Kunekune Hog breed in North America and welcomes inquiry regarding its origins in New Zealand, journey to the United States, and future as a meat animal to the benefit of all. IKHR heavily promotes the breed as a meat animal whose breed characteristics serve as a grazing animal for pasture, pork, and profit. The IKHR is run by a volunteer Board of Directors which includes its founder and appointed positions of president, registrar, historian, show director, and committee members.
It is an honor and a privilege to be called an “IKHR Registered Breeder”, a privilege that the IKHR generously grants to those who seek it. With this privilege comes responsibilities on the part of Registered Breeders. This privilege requires respect, professionalism, and behavior that is generally acceptable and kind by those whose prefix has been awarded and whose title has been granted as such. The IKHR requires an annual fee due and payable each January 1st to register a “Breeder Prefix” and for inclusion in the listing of Registered Breeders located on the IKHR website. Once a prefix is granted, the IKHR requires of all Registered Breeders to act appropriately when participating in online discussions, direct messages with fellow breeders, and whenever communicating with the IKHR. The IKHR desires to serve the greater Kunekune Hog community with professionalism and inclusion whenever possible, however, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We ask that, if possible, questions/concerns/complaints be presented privately in a manner appropriate of a business to business contact. We expect that our Registered Breeders understand and accept that their presence in and relationship with IKHR is to be maintained with civility and professionalism. Being called an “IKHR Registered Breeder” is a choice each breeder freely makes and in doing so shall agree to support and uphold the mission of preservation through pork production and the policy of wattles as a requirement for registration.
American Kunekune Breeder's Association founded, headquarters Norco, California
First Litter Entered Into the Foundation Herd Book
DNA Registration Requirement
Contract VGL at UC Davis
First Kunekune Pig pork harvest
Enter Original New Zealand Imports
Direct New Zealand Import
First AKBA Conference
Establish Patron of Porcine award
Update Breed Standard of Perfection
First AKBA Sanctioned Show
Reach 1000 Entries
Name Change to American Kunekune Pig Registry
Launch Online Herd Book
Launch International Kunekune Pig Preservation Project
First Canadian Export
AKPR Quarterly Magazine
Honored by New Dishley Society
Reach 5000 Entries
Addition of Colour Designations – Tapeka Trait, High Percentage White and Ivanleigh Blended Belly Band
Update Breed Standard of Perfection
Reach 10,000 Entries
Instated Paperless System
Headquarters Moved to Riverside, California
Revised Growth Chart
Addition of Colour Designation – Swallow Belly
Implement Wattle Requirement
Implement Teat Count Requirement
Lauch Certified Kunekune Pedigree Pork
Reach 20,000 Entries
Contract NeoGen DNA Laboratory – SNP DNA
Headquarters Moved to Quinte West, Ontario, Canada
Name Change to International Kunekune Hog Registry